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  3. IT service
  4. Technology Research Service

Products & Services

IT service

Technology Research Service

Technology Research Service

We offer on-demand market and technology research services in Silicon Valley, covering a wide range of tech industries including cybersecurity, AI, IoT, and cloud computing. We accelerate customer`s innovations and discoveries in leading edge technology space.

Product & Market Research Services

・Vendor matching services, by leveraging TED America`s strong network in various venture capitals, startups, consulting companies in US

・Market & product analysis reporting services (Both in English & Japanese)

・Trusted by industry-leading customers (Telecommunications, Manufacturing, others)

Product Evaluation & Reporting Services

・Onsite proof-of-concept support using TED America`s research lab in Silicon Valley

・Consultations for customer`s success criteria definition, evaluation assistance, supported by our highly skilled & dedicated marketing engineers

・Technology evaluation reporting services (Both in English & Japanese)

Research technologies in portfolio

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Technology Research Service
Technology Research Service

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